Through the Eyes of Love
I’ve been grappling with the mystery of the afterlife and how it works for months now. Is it sensationalized ghost stories and hauntings like television shows portray? Do souls really get stuck in the earthly plane as if they’ve missed some sort of window to rejoin with the love that awaits us all on the other side? Or do they return home to their indescribably beautiful beginning and visit us as they please? There are many ways to look at it and I think there may be some kernel of truth to them all, but more and more I have been believing that once your physical body dies, it is like an instant reconnection to all that is, all that was, and all that will be.
This belief has taken so long for me to grow into because I had accumulated so many fears, ideas, and stories about death and the afterlife. Some through religion, some through media, and some through stories passed down through family members. All leaving an impact that became an unconscious aspect of who I was. And though the past few months have intensified the work of identifying and rewriting those fearful lenses I’d collected, the real work of unraveling these beliefs first began almost a decade ago when my clairaudience turned on like a light bulb. There was so much fear in me then. I had so many stories that I told myself about this gift; that I was crazy, that they could only be demons because that is what the bible declares, that I was being haunted by malevolent spirits. All seem silly to me now, but I can see how having all of these prewritten beliefs swarming around in one mind could be overwhelming to anyone. I am not sure how long that I dealt with all of these thoughts before one day in the middle of the night, I was so upset and so afraid that I demanded for whoever was speaking to me to leave, and didn’t stop shouting in my mind until I saw a blue light shoot up from beside my bed and go up to and out of my very high half-circle window. This was the first and only time I’ve seen something like this with my physical eyes.
Looking back at it with the perception that I have now, I feel sad for whoever I sent away like that. It was such a beautiful blue, and I can only imagine how they were trying to help me then. But through my own fears, I could not see it that way. I think that the saddest part about it, to me, is that we do not come into this world being fearful of things like this. We accept them and we love. The fear comes later, and perhaps it is in our nature to fear death and what becomes of us when we shuffle off this mortal coil, because it is in our nature to fear the unknown. But I think that there is a real need for us now to come back from all the perceptions of fear that we were fed as children and some that we adopted later on. To shed them and create new beliefs. Ones that let go of fear and replace it with love. Ones that steep our lives in beauty, faith, and acceptance rather than those that lead us in fear. “For anything led by fear, is being misled.” - my guides once when talking together.
Our loved ones come to visit; they are not stuck. Death is a natural part of life and nothing to be afraid of. When we go, we return to all that is, and all there is, is love. May you unravel your fears and make peace with the taboo that is called death and shed all those unwanted beliefs about it and what comes after.
A book that helped me with unraveling these fears was given to me by a friend and mentor in the very beginning of my journey and I feel the need to pass it on. (I am forever grateful for all of our talks and sharing of books, thank you, Dan)
The book is, Life After Life by Dr. Raymond Moody.
With all of my love,